ABC – Statement

It is the policy of I.C.E that directors, officers, employees, and third parties acting on its behalf are prohibited from offering or paying, directly or indirectly, any incentive or bribe to any employee, official, or agent of any government, commercial entity, or individual in connection with the business or activities of the company. A bribe for purposes of this policy is any money, goods, services, or other thing of value offered or given with the intent to gain any improper advantage for the company.

No director, officer, employee, or third party should assume that the company’s interest ever requires otherwise.

Quality Statement

Quality is an integral part of our Business Principles. These principles guide our actions to deliver services that are safe, compliant and preferred. At I.C.E, our commitment is to never compromise on the safety, compliance and quality of our services. This requires everybody to be fully committed, engaged, to understand their responsibilities and to be empowered to speak out and take action in order to protect ourselves, our colleagues and families, our customers and our brand.

Quality encompasses the essential elements of our commitment in providing service excellence and includes:

  • Fostering a positive mind-set with the objective of providing services that are trusted and preferred by our clients, contractors and alliance partners,
  • Complying with all relevant laws, regulations and standards as well as our own internal standard requirements,
  • Continuously challenging ourselves to “raise the bar” with respect to improving safety, preventing incidents and eliminating defects through the review of objectives and results and the continual application and implementation of our rigorous lessons learned processes,
  • Encourage and promote quality responsibilities amongst all personnel and third parties through standards, education, training and mentoring, supervision and positive communication.
  • At I.C.E, teamwork, engagement, ownership and support from everyone is integral in achieving our quality objectives.

That is why, we are committed to providing the leadership, management, and resources and to ensure that our Quality Policy is continually reviewed and communicated to all personnel involved with the delivery of our services.

Quality is about delivering what we promise in everything we do. Each and every one of us has the power and responsibility to influence Quality.

Health & Safety

I.C.E – Safety Charter
Safety is our number 1 Corporate Value and we are fully committed to delivering outstanding levels of Health & Safety.

TARGET ZERO FOR SAFETY– Together we will deliver health & safety excellence in all that we do

We commit to:

  • Working together to meet the I.C.E Target Zero health and safety objective(s).
  • Demonstrate by our actions our commitment to Health & Safety Excellence and to ensure everyone goes home unharmed.
  • Promote health and well being as a core value.
  • Innovate, share and adopt health & safety industry best practices.
  • Consider the outcome of every task and action in all that we do at work and at home.
  • Monitor our results with the view to continuously improve our performance to meet Target Zero for Safety.
  • To foster a responsible and collaborative culture where we are all striving to achieve Target Zero for safety. We are all in this together – your accident is my accident.

Target Zero – No Harm, No Excuse


Environment Policy Statement
I.C.E is committed to conducting all its business activities responsibly with due regard to environmental impact and sustainable performance. The Company believes that the environment is everybody’s responsibility and all employees are accountable for environmental performance.

I.C.E seeks to achieve steady improvement in meeting its environmental standards while working to minimize any negative impact on the local and global environment.

To achieve these goals, I.C.E commits to:

  • Conduct its business in compliance all applicable environmental laws and regulations and apply responsible standards where laws and regulations do not exist;
  • Include environmental strategies and objectives in its business planning process to ensure that management of environmental impact remains an integral part of its business.
  • Identify and implement ways to improve the efficiency with which the Company uses materials and resources, prevents pollution, minimises emissions, and recycles waste.
  • Encourages and equips its employees to identify and act upon opportunities to improve environmental performance and waste management in the areas where they work.
  • Communicate its environmental requirements and performance to stakeholders.
  • Encourage concern and respect for the environment, emphasise every employee’s responsibility in minimising the environmental impact of our business activities.
  • Manage its business with the goal of preventing incidents and to controlling emissions and wastes to below harmful levels; with a view to achieving a zero waste and emission goal;
  • Educate staff and communicate to suppliers/contractors about environmental issues
  • Actively engage in carrying out exemplary environmental practices by:
  • Exploring efficient use of resources to REDUCE wastage;
  • Identifying creative and practical ways to REUSE our resources; and
  • Promoting opportunities to RECYCLE waste.
  • Through an accredited Environmental Management System, continually improve our practices and integrate the principles of environmental management, pollution prevention, and other related green topics into our business activities